Submit Research


Policy Features

In this section, please provide basic details about the policy for which you’ve created an MVPF. This information is used to make your estimates easily searchable in the Policy Impacts Library.



In this section, please provide an overview of the policy being analyzed. This description should include basic information about the nature of the policy and the policy’s beneficiaries. It should also include information about the data and identification technique used to analyze the policy.


Net Cost

In this section, please provide a description of the way in which net cost was calculated. That description should include details about each of the components of net cost. Including the dollar figure for each of those components will help guide readers. If you want to add figures or formulas, you can add them between blocks of text. The total net cost as well as the associated confidence intervals should be reported in the fields below.


Willingness to Pay

In this section, please provide a description of how you calculate the benefits to policy recipients (generally measured as their willingness to pay). This description should include details about each of the components of these benefits. Including the dollar figure for each of those components will help guide readers. If you want to add figures or formulas, you can add them between blocks of text. The total benefits to recipients, as well as the associated confidence intervals, should be reported in the fields below.


MVPF Summary

Please provide a short description of the calculation of the MVPF in your baseline specification. The MVPF along with its associated confidence intervals should be reported in the fields below. Please also provide any additional discussion needed to best understand your MVPF estimate.

If your MVPF estimate (and/or either margin) is infinity, please enter 9999.



In this section, please list the references associated with your MVPF estimates.


Author Details

Please provide author details for the paper, beginning with the corresponding author for the submission.

Causal Estimates

MVPF Construction

Submission Note: Policy Impacts reviews all submission prior to inclusion in the Policy Impacts Library. We require that key causal estimates used in the construction of MVPFs are identified using quasi-experiment or experimental variation. Corresponding authors will be contacted before before estimates are posted in the Policy Impacts Library.