Garantie Jeunes was a program in France for disadvantaged youths who are “neither in employment, education, or training” (NEETs). Beneficiaries of the program were NEETs aged 16-25 registered at employment centers.
Upon enrollment in Garantie Jeunes, the participant was required to sign a contract of engagement for one year, risking exclusion from the program if not participating in the activities. The first six weeks of the program consisted of courses provided by 2 counselors, with 10-20 participants per class. These courses focused on both soft skills linked to job search (e.g., presentation skills, job search strategies, applications, CVs, motivation letters) and personal habits and self confidence (e.g., learning to be timely, managing personal health, planning ahead).
After these courses followed a ten-month period of job search assistance, with a personal counselor following each youth by phone, email, and interviews approximately every 3 weeks. This second phase is characterized by a “work-first” approach, with frequent proposals of internships and short work experiences of at most a month, during which the youth works on small tasks in a partner firm with the aim of learning about the working environment and the industry.
In addition to the training, while participating in the youths receive a monthly cash transfer equal to the amount provided by the French minimum income scheme, which is annually updated. For example, this cash transfer was €484.82 gross in April 2018. If a participant found a job before the end of the program, the cash transfer was not reduced until €300 of labor earnings.
Filippucci (2022) calculates the MVPF of the Garantie Jeunes program.
MVPF = 1.2
Filippucci (2022) calculates the net cost of Garantie Jeunes as the sum of the direct cost of implementing the program for each youth, the cash transfer received while in the program, and the fiscal externality that results from increased earnings as a result of participating in the program.
The direct cost of implementing the program for each youth is equal to the sum of the enrollment cost (€1,120), a completion cost (€320), a data reporting cost (€160), and an estimate of the rental cost of Youth Employment Centers basic infrastructure (418.6). As 17% of initial participants quit the program for reasons other than securing employment, the direct cost per youth is €1,120 + €320*(1-0.17) + €160)+ 418.6= €1,964.
The cumulated cash transfer received while in the program is €4,039 on average.
As earnings is not taxed in France until an annual income of €15,000 and the vast majority of participants in Garantie Jeunes have income below that threshold, the paper assumes no change in tax revenue and thus no fiscal externality.
The net cost is then €1,964 + €4,039 = €6,003.
Filippucci (2022) estimates the willingness to pay as the sum of the present value of the impact of the policy on income and the cash transfer.
The paper estimates that the effect of gross labor earnings the second year after enrollment in Garantie Jeunes is €828 quarterly in the year after completion. Discounting this back at 3% by one year and multiplying by 4 yields an annual effect in present value terms of €3,215. The paper conservatively assumes no effect from Garantie Jeunes more than one year after completion, as the literature suggests that job-search assistance has effects mostly in the short run, and the heterogeneity analysis in the paper highlights the precarious nature of employment contracts obtained as a result of Garantie Jeunes.
As the total cash transfer was €4,039, the willingness to pay is €3,215 + €4,039 = €7,254.
The MVPF of Garantie Jeunes then is €7,254 / €6,003 = 1.21
Arambourou, Simon, Laurent Caussat, and Alexandre Pascal (2016). Le Modèle Économique des Missions Locales pour L’insertion Professionelle et Sociale des Jeunes. IGAS Rapport 2016-061R.
Francesco Filippucci (2022). “What Do NEETs Need? The Joint Effect of Active and Passive Labor Market Policies.” Working Paper.