Community colleges in Michigan are partially financed through property taxes that are assessed on properties in the surrounding community college taxing district. Individuals who live in such districts are eligible for discounted “in-district tuition”. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) estimate the MVPF of these in-district tuition benefits using causal estimates from Acton (2018). In particular, Acton (2018) uses the boundary of community college taxing districts to estimate the impact of reduced tuition sticker prices on enrollment. The effects of reduced tuition are estimated through a boundary fixed effects regression of college outcomes of students who live just inside a community college district and face in-district tuition. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) use these estimates to project the impact of the policy on lifetime earnings and tax revenue. They utilize estimates from Zimmerman (2014) on the impact attendance of college on earnings and assume that the returns to college are constant in percentage terms over the lifecycle.
MVPF = 29.5
Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) calculate the net cost of eligibility for in-district tuition. First, they consider the initial program cost of $261, which is the difference in the average tuition rate for in-district and out-of-district residents in Michigan scaled by schooling take-up. Next, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) include the additional costs due to increased educational attainment. These estimates are based on results from Acton (2018), who calculates the impact of reduced tuition on semesters of college completed, enrollment across various post-secondary institutions, and degree completion. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) translate these educational gains into additional government costs by following the approach of Zimmerman (2014). They calculate government costs per full time college enrollee based on data from the Delta Cost Project. Changes in enrollment due to in-district tuition increase costs by $243. Finally, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) account for the changes in taxes paid and transfers received due to the program’s impact on lifetime earnings. That results in a fiscal externality of -$444. Putting these components together, the total net cost of program eligibility is $60.
Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020)’s primary estimates calculates the willingness to pay for reduced tuition using estimates from Acton (2018) on enrollment and school completion. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) translate those estimates into years of schooling (an increase of 0.029 years per in-district high school graduate) and then use estimates from Zimmerman (2014) to estimate the impact on lifetime earnings. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) use the results from Zimmerman to estimate a decline in earnings in years 1-7 after enrollment and then an increase in earnings over the rest of the lifecycle. (Zimmerman (2014) observes earnings gains in years 8-14 and Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) project those gains over the rest of the lifecycle.) Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) calculate the fiscal externality using a tax rate of 20% over the bulk of the lifecycle. This figure comes from Hendren and Sprung-Keyser’s (2020) calculation of the effective marginal tax rates based on estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. The willingness to pay associated with these earnings gains is $1683. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) subtract out the individual contribution to tuition ($154), which consists of the net-of-aid tuition multiplied by the additional years of enrollment at each type of institution. (Note that the tuition price for community college comes from the average in-district tuition while the tuition for bachelor’s programs comes from the Delta Cost Project.) The projected earnings gains provide the willingness to pay for all individuals induced to change their behavior and receive more education as a result of the tuition reduction. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) calculate total willingness to pay by summing those earnings gains with the simple value of the change in tuition for the fraction of individuals not induced to change their behavior. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) get a value of $1,754.
Combining these estimates, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) get an MVPF of 29.46. To obtain the confidence intervals, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) bootstrap the enrollment, earning and tax revenue outcomes. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) assume (conservatively) these estimates are perfectly correlated across bootstrap iterations. This leads to a confidence interval of [-2.33,\infty].
Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) also consider alternate approaches to calculating the earnings effect and determining the willingness to pay. In the case of the earnings effect, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) create a specification where their earnings projections are based on semesters of college completed. Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) then apply the same earnings projection method from Zimmerman (2014) using these schooling increases. This produces an MVPF of \infty (95% CI: [0.26,\infty]).
Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) also have an alternate specification that forecasts the earnings gain in education from community college and bachelor’s programs separately. This uses returns to community college taken from Mountjoy (2019). This produces an MVPF of 54.84 (95% CI: [-3.01,\infty]). In the case of willingness to pay, Hendren and Sprung-Keyser (2020) also consider a specification where the scholarship is valued at the cost of the transfer rather than based on the change in long-term earnings. This conservative willingness to pay method ignore any effect from increases in earnings. Instead, it applies the envelope theorem to those induced to get more schooling and assumes they are indifferent to the expenditure. All those who do not change their behavior as a result of the scholarship value it as a dollar-for-dollar transfer. The resulting MVPF for this alternate specification is 3.78 (95% CI: [0.54,\infty]).
Acton, Riley (2018). “The Impact of Public Tuition Subsidies on College Enrollment Decisions: Evidence from Michigan.”
Hendren, Nathaniel and Ben Sprung-Keyser (2020). “A Unified Welfare Analysis of Government Policies.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 135(3): 1209–1318. DOI:
Mountjoy, Jack (2019). “Community Colleges and Upward Mobility.” Available at SSRN: or
Zimmerman, Seth D. (2014). “The Returns to College Admission for Academically Marginal Students.” Journal of Labor Economics, 32(4), 711-754. DOI: